Course Details
Date: Returning in 2025 – Join our Wait List
Time: 9.00am to 3:00pm
Term: Term 1
Location: Club York, Level 2, 99 York Street, Sydney
Presenter: Michael Griffin
Price: Individual enrolment $500 +GST
Course Description
From the ancient world through the Renaissance, and even today – artistic and intellectual ability is often viewed as an intuitive gift rather than the result of effort. To what end?
Mindsets powerfully impact learning behaviour.
Learners with a growth mindset work harder, embrace challenge, persist for longer and learn from criticism, whereas the fixed mindset develops undesirable learning dispositions and character traits, ultimately under-achieving.
Teacher mindsets result in teacher expectations impacting student achievement.
It is important that teachers understand the impact their beliefs, words and actions have on cultivating the learning disposition of students.
Participants will learn
- Evidence-based factors for achievement differentiation
- Self-determination theory (intrinsic motivation); influencing self-motivation
- The quality and the quantity of student effort
- Mindsets and learning dispositions
- High and low expectations of student ability
- Help (too much, too soon), praise, talent attribution and other labels
- High or healthy self-esteem
- Growth mindset feedback strategies
Minimum and Max enrolment numbers: 6 – 20
It was very beneficial and engaging course. The skills that l learnt is applicable to my teaching.
Michael gave us practical, useful, relevant ideas to help us engage our students in further learning. He is quietly passionate about the need for us to take on this “push back” approach to developing a growth mindset in our students. His attitude is infectious!
Amazing!!! Very engaging and well researched. He was very flexible and read the room.
Additionally, it showed me how my actions in class could at time be negatively affecting my students.
This course is NESA Accredited in partnership with Michael Griffin.
Completing Growth Mindset: Improving Teaching and Learning will contribute 5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/EYLF addressing Standard Descriptor 3.5.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher Accreditation in NSW.
3.5. 2 Use effective verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support student understanding, participation, engagement and achievement.